Обмен баннерами 88*31 px
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Наш баннер:
Version 1
<a href="http://highschoolofthedead.anihub.ru/" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://uploads.ru/i/B/o/w/BowLe.png" title="High School of the Dead " width="88" height="31" ></a>
Version 2
<a href="http://highschoolofthedead.anihub.ru/" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://uploads.ru/i/b/8/E/b8E7X.gif" title="High School of the Dead " width="88" height="31" ></a>
Version 3
<a href="http://highschoolofthedead.anihub.ru/" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="https://forumupload.ru/uploads/000c/c1/b2/313-1.gif" title="High School of the Dead " width="88" height="31" ></a>